A very complicated performance in W139 involving lots of extra collaborators and loads of instructions. Performed at the opening of the group-exhibition 'At Least Begin to Make an End', curated by Ann Demeester. The performance involved over 20 actions performed at the same time on different spots in and outside the W139 exhibition space, making it impossible for the audience to see the whole performance. The centre-piece of the performance however, launching Peeters into the Xth dimension by powers of simultanious simultitude, didn't work out the way it should have on the opening night, and consequently had to be redone a week later (check out the video!). After the performance an installation stayed on display in the exhibition.
from the scenario:
List of material that has to be brought in
1 Videowall: part 1+2 of the bedbunk + the structure + the monitorsets (extension cord) + cushion
2 Lettermachine
3 supporting elements 3 Bull's eye
4 Balloon
5 Launching element
6 Audiomaterial: 4 speakers and cable + the stereo on wheels (extension cord)
7 The tower + ladder
8 The heating cannon (extension cord)
9 Telephone + ladder
Built-up in space
1 videowall: 2 p with the structure
2 p with the bedbunk
4 p with the monitorset
1 p lies the cushions down
2 lettermachine: 2 p put it in place on the ground and have the supportive elements ready
3 bull's eye: danai
4 balloon: danai
5 launching element: diederik and hans
6 audiomaterial: 2 p place the speakers
2 p tape the speakercable to the ground and attach cable to system
7 the tower: 2p start piling the tower, put the rope through the elements, connect the elements with one rope
8 1 p places the heating cannon next to the launching element (not to close so it doesn't burn) and fill the tank a little bit with gasoline
9 1 p hangs the telephone on the post, connect the wire through the air
Everybody should have their hats, scarfs, gloves, and jackets on by the end of the count-down.
On 17 seconds 1 p puts on the heating cannon
1 p goes out the big space and makes a phonecall
The moment. 1 p starts all the videoplayers
2 p open the lettermachine
danai lets go off the balloon
hans lights the helmet of diederik
diederik gets launched
1 p pulls the rope of the tower, so it dances a little
arrow comes flying through space
Opening of the jackets, taking of scarfs…
1letteringmachine goes down again
2bulls eye goes down
3speakers are taken away + speaker cable
4p take away the tower + ladder
5heating system goes out
6telephone is taken away
7 launching platform is taken away
8 presses play for beiaardsound