For this lecture-performance, Peeters built further on the lecture How to invoke Apparitions. After a while, the audience — initially comfortably seated — is invited to discover the back-stage, hidden by a curtain. The lecture transforms into an installation, and the stage becomes an exhibition space. The audience shifts from the position of spectator to that of an explorer, in the immersive environment of the installation.
By and with Diederik Peeters in close collaboration with Anna Czapski (irrational advise), Henri-Emmanuel Doublier & Ivan Fatj (technique), Lieven Dousselaere (sound), Marion Le Guerroué (connections to reality), Camillle Bono (intern production) et Laura Deschepper & Kevin Deffrennes (administrative magic)
thanks to Agnès Quackels, Marine Prunier and Marine Thevenet
associated production SPIN & l'Amicale de Production
support Flemish Community
coproducers of Apparitions (under discussion) le Vivat - scène conventionnée danse et théâtre d'Armentières, kunstencentrum BUDA - Courtrai, kunstencentrum NONA - Malines, la Ville de Rennes - Salle Ropars, Vooruit - Gand.
Partners Brakke Grond - Amsterdam, Fructose - Dunkerque, Impakt - Utrecht, Netwerk - Alost/BE