I am a visual artist from Aotearoa New Zealand, currently living in Brussels. My work engages with multiple formats, including sculpture, collaboration, editing, performance, painting and installation. In the last ten years I have been working in two parallel ways: engaging with archive material and developing long-term collaborations. My interest in archives started 2010 when I began to work in the company of Claude Cahun and Marcel Moore, stepsisters, lovers and artists whose photographic work and legacy have formed the framework for many of my projects. Like my solo work, my long-term collaborations are led by queer and feminist politics and desires. I am co-curator of Buenos Tiempos, Int. and a team member of Mothers & Daughters – A Lesbian* and Trans* Bar*. I am currently teaching on the AdMa program at St Lucas School of Art, Antwerp, where I am also undertaking a year-long research project on process tools for queer, feminist and anti-racist collaborative art making.

Hear Me Out: A Teach-in on Conflict Expression, 2023