Worktable is a live installation, open to visitors for several hours or days.
Worktable takes place in a series of rooms - you must sign in to enter and you can stay as long as you like. Once inside there are instructions, equipment and safety goggles so you can get to work - it's up to you to decide how things come apart and fall together.
Sign in and get to work!
"Simple in conception but exceptional in its execution… 'Worktable' is an enlightening and active meditation on the endless artistic cycle of tearing down and rebuilding. It may be easy to get lost in the highs and lows of this process in real time, but the distillation of the process McIntosh provides in her installation puts it all in perspective." - Stephen Eckert, Contemporary Performance, New York 08/01/17
"I was in the zone, and I only realise it now" - Worktable visitor
"So much energy released and gained" - Worktable visitor
"I couldn't stop laughing incredulously" - Worktable visitor
"The object becomes a totem to the potential that we all hold to continue the cycle of destruction and renewal of ideas and objects, with all the pathos and hope that entails." - James Smith,, 10/10/15
Read more about Worktable in the S P I N blog here