The Alex Song

Amicale de Production + SPIN + Le Choeur De Bruxelles
SPIN OFF, 2015

Production: SPIN, L'Amicale de Production, le choeur de Bruxelles

Composer: Lieven Dousselaere
Words: Antoine, Diederik, Hans, Mathilde

Today we think it's important to come together and say, sing or scream that there are alternatives for the neo-liberal austerity policy that is presented as the only possible way to a bright future.

That's why SPIN & L'AMICALE DE PRODUCTION, two closely related artistic production-coöperatives, decided to meet up and write a little song together.

It's a song to tell the politicians that govern us in Belgium and Europe that we disagree with their discourse that there's no alternative to budget-cuts and a withdrawing government.

For more detailed information about the political context in Belgium, and about the austerity measures for culture, we gladly refer to the letter published by RAB-BKO. Or to the sites of HART BOVEN HARD, TOUT AUTRE CHOSE and STATE OF THE ARTS, three movements that question today's policies.


So today we ring the alarm bell
The bell, the bell
Wie-waa Tuu-Taa Pim-Pom
Take a seat or stand, listen or sing with us
There are alternatives to the
"There Is No Alternative"' policy


I don't know if you know,
Well maybe you know or you don't,
She's everywhere, she's among us,
She's all around, ubiquitous

"T", "I", "N", "A",
Tiiiiiiiiiiiii - Naaaaaaaaa
Oh "There Is No Alternative"
"T", "I", "N", "A",
Tiiiiiiiiiiiii - Naaaaaaaaa
Oh "There Is No Alternative"

Yes we're all in the same boat
And Tina is steering the wheel (""AAAARRGH")
Heading for a cold world
Where it's everyone for themselves
And everything has to comply

To economic growth,
To economic growth,
To economic growth,
To economic growth


I don't know if you know,
Well maybe you know or you don't,
Tina doesn't really exist,
She is a myth, rather there is :

"A", "L", "E", "X"
Aaaaa- Leeeeeeeex
Oh "Alternatives Exist"

"A", "L", "E", "X"
Aaaaa- Leeeeeeeex
Oh "Alternatives Exist"

Ho-oh Alex is taking us
To a much warmer place ("YEAAAH")
No more hearthless profit
Because we have had enough
Of economic growth

Let's feed creative growth,
Let's push cultural growth,
Cooperative growth,
Educational growth


I don't know if you know,
Well maybe you know or you don't,
Our friend Alex is not alone,
There's someone else, she's new in town

"L", "I", "S", "A"
Liiiiii- Saaaaa
Let's Invent "Something All together"

"L", "I", "S", "A"
Liiiiii- Saaaaa
Let's Invent "Something All together"

When Churchill was requested
To cut funding to the arts ("ARRRGH")
To finance the big war,
He responded something like this :
"Then what are we fighting for ?"
So let's sing it some more :
What are we fighting for ?
What are we fighting for ?
What are we fighting for



Symposium STATE OF THE ARTS, Brussels (BE)



Beursschouwburg, Brussels (BE)