1. More Movement Under S P I N’s Sky
2. Towards Apartheid Free Zone Campaign
3. Scaled Fees
4. News From S P I N’s Artistic Practices
5. Wallets
6. Upcoming
1. More Movement Under S P I N’s Sky
We are refreshing S P I N’s Board and General Assembly: we are extremely grateful to the amazing Bie Vancraeynest who supported us for so long, and we are thrilled to welcome Yasmina Boudia, Rossana Miele, Klaartje De Bonnaire, Sarah Magnan, Godart Bakkers, Johanna Couvée and Jessica Gysel.
After many years of intense and fruitful collaboration, the one and only Sarah Parolin leaves S P I N’s co-direction for new adventures. A huge THANK YOU from all of us and our deep acknowledgment that S P I N would not have been the same without Sarah’s incredible commitment and expertise. She remains with us in the S P I N General Meeting.
S P I N’s artistic practices welcome new collaborators: Teresa Gentile joined Anna a year ago to collaborate on production- and care-related aspects of Anna’s practice. Nicole Schuchardt now follows Kate’s distribution and management and Luca Napoli supports her tour management (+ big gratitude to Sarah Parolin, departing after seven amazing years as general manager). Diederik is very happy to announce that from mid-September onwards, Ode Windelswill start working as producer.
We will soon launch an open call for a new S P I N office position: stay tuned!
2. Towards Apartheid Free Zone Campaign
Together with more than other 40 Belgian organisations, S P I N signed the Towards Apartheid Free Zone campaign and engaged in cutting links with companies that support apartheid regimes (in the form of financial, digital, cultural, and direct and indirect sponsorship). If you want to know more please visit the campaign or @towards_apartheid_free_zones.
3. Scaled Fees
We are starting to experiment with a scaled fee tool Marnie Slater has fine tuned in the frame of her research with the SLARG group at Sint Lucas Antwerpen. You can read her essay that outlines her research on our blog here.
4. News From S P I N’s Artistic Practices
Anna Rispoli
On 22 September, Anna is launching With love not for love the second chapter of a two year trajectory developed in sisterhood with different collectives of migrant women and care workers.
You can listen here to the voices of Territorio Domestico, la Ligue des travailleuses domestiques and Silvia Federici in the podcast realised by Leslie Doumerx about the first chapter, A life worth living, a four-day school for care and domestic workers that took place at Free School / KFDA (BE) in May 2024.
And Rage, love and much more, Anna’s contribution to a collective book about public art curated by Silvia Bottiroli, is in the final editorial phase before publication.
Diederik Peeters
Diederik just wrapped up the installation Apparitions of an Afterlife, that was on display since February this year at Teylers Museum in Haarlem (NL).
He also started working on a new project that digs deeper into his fascination with the history of psychiatry, asking: What reference points do we have for considering someone 'normal'? By what (scientific) authority is our perception deemed 'pathological'? How did these reference points shift throughout history, and how can we imagine them in the future? With a keen interest in both historical research and futurology, the project tries to develop a new imaginary around normativity and our relationship to reality.
Earlier this year Diederik and his collaborators presented the first iterations of this new project: a series of three performances in Paris (FR), a live audio-fiction in Brest (FR) and Leipzig (DE), and workshops and a presentation in Aix-en-Provence (FR). In mid-November this year, they will show a new performance during Playground Festival in Leuven (BE).
Hans Bryssinck
Hans’ first film Wilson y Los Más Elegantes (2014) will be on view at KASK cinema in Gent.
Meanwhile, Hans and editor Julieta Seco achieved a final cut of his upcoming feature-length film Celestino. With Matthias Hillegeer he’s working on sound design, and by the beginning of 2025 we’ll hopefully be able to announce the long-awaited premiere.
In recent years Hans, Barbara Van Lindt and Emke Idema have organised a number of intimate gatherings for people who do not have biological children. Through these gatherings, they explore the perspective and potential of what they call More Than Parenting. You can read about their experiences in this text, which is part of the next edition of the performing arts magazine Etcetera and currently only available in Dutch.
If you wish to stay informed about the gatherings coming up in the spring of 2025, contact
Kate McIntosh
This autumn Kate tours Lake Life to the Fragile Festival at Pina Bausch Center Wuppertal (DE), and after a five-year pause In Many Hands comes alive again at the Festival Internacional de Marionetas do Porto (PT) in October. From November, Kate also begins a guest professorship at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Gießen (DE).
Marnie Slater
Together with Clare Noonan, Jessica Gysel, Judith Geerts, Katja Mater, Matilda Cobanli and Robin Brettar, Marnie created and inaugurated a new, permanent public sculpture at CRAC Alsace (FR). Titled I'AMiTie, an ode to Natalie Clifford Barney’s Temple of Friendship, the gate sculpture mediates the threshold between the public street and the garden of the art centre’s residency space. The second part of the project will materialize in Brussels sometime in early 2025.

Following the publication of her 21 Tracks for the 21st Century playlist for Glean and Q0-2, Marnie performed as part of Q0-2’s Second Sunday series in June this year. Marnie dove into the world of protest music, roaming across musical genres to share her perspective on the ways that artists and communities have created, interpreted and appropriated music as a tool of celebration and resistance.
From September, Marnie will take up the program leadership of the Advanced Master: Master of Research in Art and Design program at Sint Lucas Antwerpen. She will also be joining the team of the Sandberg Instituut’s temporary master program Planetary Poetics as a thesis supervisor.
5. Wallets
The “Wallets” are a way that S P I N supports guest practices — offering a light yet robust administrative tool for independent artists, cultural workers and sister organisations. In 2024 S P I N gives Wallet support to: Radical Hope, Ghyslaine Gau, Adva Zakai, Laura Deschepper, Siemen Van Gaubergen, Lorette Moreau and L’Amicale.
6. Upcoming
Click here for S P I N’s recent and upcoming dates!